Marina Tanas

I stumbled upon Human Design (how typical of a profile ⅗ to stumble upon things...), at a time where I was facing many personal difficulties. When you are searching for ways to overcome challenges, life unfolds opportunities.  

I remember having a conversation with someone I had just met, however intuitively trusted, and mentioning some of my worries to her. She simply said: “Why don’t you get a Human Design reading?”. At the time I had no idea what Human Design was or how helpful it would be. My inner voice impulsively responded: “Why not?!”


I haven’t seen this woman in years, but she will always hold a very special place in my heart because she guided me to my purpose. Isn’t it beautifully odd how some people unexpectedly play such an important role in our development? (I guess she was a Projector with the line 5 of the Saviour in her Profile)

I would be so joyful to play a similar role in someone’s life, now as a certified Human Design professional, to help those seeking a path towards themselves and others. 

Little by little, I submerged into the wisdom of the knowledge of Human Design. 

I have a logical mind that perfectly links to the logical arrangement of Human Design. The System combines the traditional with the untraditional; the ancient with the new and the mystical with the scientific.

Human Design was and continues to be not only my inspiration but I believe my mission in this life.

It brings me delight to share the knowledge and findings, which can help us be more satisfied, peaceful, surprised and successful in the discovery of ourselves and others. 

I wish to help us free of the shackles of social conditioning, to love ourselves the way we are rather than how we are expected or raised to be.


 Certified Human Design Professional
  • Individual Rave Analysis
  • Partnership Analysis
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Incarnation Cross Analysis
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